Answer – Traffic Lights

Traffic Lights

Dubliner’s Ale

Red – STOP.

  • Depending upon narrow and out modish, traditional products. Today’s drinkers much prefer lagers than old fashioned beers.
  • Spending a disproportionate amount of our marketing communications budget on products that consumers no longer value, simply because the campaigns are great.
  • Develop want tomorrow’s consumers will want, and jump one step ahead of our competitors.
  • Generate stylish and creative marketing communications campaigns for our new products that enhance and build upon our reputation for marketing excellence.

Amber – PROCEED WITH CAUTION, and make some improvements.

  • Positioning was great but now needs to be altered. Let’s reposition our traditional brand to make it appeal to today’s drinkers. This could even mean making ‘beers’ in general more acceptable to new segments.
  • Differences between international and domestic marketing need to be addressed. Continue with international marketing activities where the traditional brand is easier to protect. Reconsider domestic marketing.
Traffic Lights
Traffic Lights
Traffic Lights

Green – Go or Let’s carry on with this activity.

  • Develop new and innovative products to compete in the new, exciting and innovative markets. Let’s develop (or buy into) a new lager brand, a new cider brand and an innovative spirit-based designer brands.



