Category: Small Business Marketing
Measuring the success of your campaign
Most of us do not have the time to measure success. However, evaluating how successful your campaigns and promotions have been, is an important way to learn. Use this learning to make your campaign and promotions more effective and profitable in the future. Here are a few tips on ways to gather information on the…
Guerrilla marketing
Seller beware! Guerrilla marketing is innovative and seizes the moment. It is a controversial way of promoting your products and services. The idea is that in some way you ambush your customers or the media that they are exposed to, such as TV or radio. For a small business, your resources will be limited; an…
Advertising in cinemas and theatres
Cinemas and movie theatres Your local cinema or movie theatre may be the place where your local customers congregate. Similar rules apply, as with radio and newspapers above, so common sense says you need to target those movies which your customers want to see. If you have a restaurant you may decide to advertise early…
Radio Advertising
You may be lucky enough to have a local independent radio station which is listened to by your target customers. Obviously, the benefits of any broadcast radio are that the medium is largely limited to sound and therefore is often best suited to communicating pure fact, for example when you are launching a new product…
Marketing in the press
The press (national or local) – newspapers and magazines The national and local press are a more mature form of advertising, which is still very popular with entrepreneurs, start-ups and small companies. The benefit is that publishers will recognise the type of business that you have, and recommended packages of advertising that will deliver a…
Outdoor marketing
Outdoor – posters, billboards and transportation Outdoor advertising, which is also known as Out-Of-Home advertising (OOH), is all advertising that your customers are exposed to when outdoors! It is surprising how much advertising you can be exposed to whilst you are on the go. You will see advertising whilst walking, or using any form of…
Small business advertising plan
Your outline advertising plan in 7 steps. Who is the potential TARGET AUDIENCE of the advert? These are your potential customers. WHAT do I wish to communicate to this target audience? Tell them about your product or service, its benefits, attributes and features. Tell them about your brand! Why is this message so IMPORTANT to…
Advertising for entrepreneurs
Your advertising will direct a message to large numbers of potential customers with one single communication! A couple of simple things to remember here: firstly, advertising needs to be aimed at specific potential customers from whom you need to make a profit; which leads nicely on to secondly, advertising needs to be cost effective. It…
Promoting and advertising your start-up
There are many tools and techniques that will be useful to you when communicating with the outside world. Think about these tools as another type of mix, let us call it the promotions mix! Again, you will balance and blend these approaches to suit your business’ needs best. Ask yourself ‘why?’ are you trying to…
Tips and techniques for successful blogging
Tips and techniques for successful blogging Now that you’ve discovered the power of successful blogging for entrepreneurs, start-ups or small businesses, make the most of your writing time by considering some of the following tips. Design a publishing schedule, and stick to it. You do not have to write an entry every day. Find out…
Blogs for entrepreneurs
Writing a successful blog for your idea, start-up or small business If you are new to blogging, then the whole topic of writing a successful blog for your small business, idea or start-up, may seem a little daunting. This section will consider the pros and cons of a blog, and offer advice and tips on…
Marketing for Entrepreneurs, Start-Ups and Small Businesses, by Tim Friesner.
Marketing for Entrepreneurs, Start-Ups and Small Businesses, by Tim Friesner. People market ideas, products and services for all sorts of reasons; you might want to make the world better for everyone, you might desire recognition for yourself, you might not like working for other people, or you might have found yourself unemployed for a whole…
20 Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs
Networking for entrepreneurs and small businesspeople often involves meeting new contacts and developing existing relationships.